The Royal Order of Kamehameha I,
Chapter 3 “Kaumualii”
The purposes of the Order are to "unite in fraternal and benevolent work men of Hawaiian descent, of good moral character and sound bodily health, to preserve and perpetuate the ancient customs of Hawaii, uplift the Hawaiian people, infuse the spirit of patriotism, loyalty, helpfulness and kindness among its members, advance the interests of its members in every rightful cause and to encourage and develop leadership."
Na Wahine Hui o Kamehameha
The purpose of Na Wahine Hui o Kamehameha is: A) To assist the Royal Order of Kamehameha I, Chapter No. 3 “Kaumuali” with its program; B) To infuse the spirit of patriotism, loyalty, helpfulness and kindness among its members; C) To preserve and perpetuate the ancient customs and traditions of Hawaii; and D) To render aid and assistance to its members in case of sickness or disability.
Na Kiai o Kalanianaole
A chant composed by Chucky Boy Chock for the Royal Order of Kamehameha I, Chapter 3 “Kaumualii” with videography by Kevin Bird.